Specsavers feeback

During our filing process for our music video we where lucky enough to have Specsavers come in and help us on making sure our music video is working to the best of our abilities and show us little details we can add in from Premiere Pro to allow this.

What we have learnt from talking to Specsavers:

  • Curves– Curves on Premiere Pro is an editing technique which will allow us to blend colour into different shots. We could use this in our clips where the girl is reminiscing on how their friendship used to be, this would help our audience understand the narrative more.
  • Photoshop– Photoshop can be used  to create different drawings onto of our Premiere Pro footage. For example by using the opacity layer we will be able to create our own filter by exporting our photoshop drawing into Premiere Pro.
  • Key frame– Key frame allows our image from photoshop to cut in and out of our clips. By making key frame ‘hard’ this will allow us to show a red dot in the corner of the screen flashing as if its a cam recorder. This makes our clips look more realistic and as if they are from the past.
  • Colour– Colour can change the filter on clips which have been selected, we can then use this filter and copy and paste it onto other shots at the same time. This will make it easier to distinguish the difference between performance and narrative clips.
  • Adjustment layer– We can use this to apply the same effect to multiple clips on the timeline. Effects applied to the adjustment layer will then be applied to all clips below.

Targets for improvement:

  • Organization– Create a general shot this before going out to film. For example the basic shots for lip syncing such as close up, mid shots and long shots, then if we have extra time get some more detailed shots of the singing. It will also help us to create a story board so we not only know what angles we need but also what is going on in the clip, this will make sure we don’t waste time.
  • Confusion of narrative– We where told that our narrative isn’t always clear therefore we need to create mini stories within our narrative to extenuate the point their friendship used to be so strong.
  • Get a variety of shots and more transitions – by making a storyboard and shot list this will help us.

Below are some videos for us to look back on –