Teacher feedback – screencastify

Here is a screen castify addressing what has worked well in our music video and other things we need to improve on or change, it will also help us in what we are missing and what would help make our next draft of our music video better.

What went well: 

  • The beginning of the music video works well, it is a good mid shot which breaks the forth rule and shows our performer coming out of character.
  • The first tilt of the therapist performs well however it jolts and needs to be stabled.
  • There is a good variety of shots including close ups, mid shot, long shots, low angles and extreme close ups.
  • The angle of Aimee in the mirror shows off her emotions well and you cannot see the reflection of the camera.
  • Our editing on beat is done effectively and shows a good energy towards the music.
  • Our recent performance shots of the two performers together have improved from our last shoot and shows a good relationship between the two.
  • There is good cutting back and forth between the scenes in therapy and the scenes of the two together.
  • Our close ups are working well as the audience can now see emotion through them.

Targets for improvement:

  • We need to do more shots where we break the forth rule to show are performer coming out of character.
  • More close ups in the therapy session to show the grief Aimee is experiencing  and the emotion.
  • We have to re do our performance shots as the ones we have done in a room with led lights aren’t exciting enough and you can see light coming through the window. We would like to do more of our lip sync at the abandoned bus as they will be more thrilling for the audience to watch and will make our music video more interesting.
  • With our long shot of Lukash lip syncing on a hill sat on a chair we need to crop it down to get rid of the bushes and maybe colour change the sky to a white or blue.
  • We need to become better at stabilising our shots and always make sure they are focused.
  • When shooting our performance we need to get Lukash in interesting positions to show more of a variation and not just him stuck in the middle.
  • Play with angles and framing to make it more exciting.

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