A look book- Branding

Below is a look book we created to explore indie rock style, ideas, fonts, images and colours that are appropriate for an indie rock album cover. Through this we where able to realise what technical and conventional features we will need as well as inspiration from music websites, adverts, tour posters and other album covers that will help us create a  didgipack and social media ‘look’ in the future. Whilst doing this we had to understand what the album cover was representing and portraying in relation to the overall brand and genre.

Focusing forward we now have some more ideas as to how we want are Indie Rock album cover to look. By doing this look book and gathering inspiration we have been able to understand our target audience better whilst also understanding where we can include such things like integrated advertising and repertoire of elements to entice the correct viewers.

Please click on the top right to enlarge the screen and see the padlet fully.

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