Music video draft 4

Below is our draft 4 for our music video. At this point we have we have finished most elements of the music video such as the story line and good variety of shots, however we would still like to correct and re film a couple of clips plus add some more effects to our clips.

When talking within our group, to our peers and teacher we where given feedback on our draft four of our music video so we know what has worked well within our filming and what we can correct or change to improve the music video.

What went well:

  • Start of music video works well, clear shot of Aimee at her therapists.
  • Good editing to the beat near beginning of video.
  • The three different clips of Lukash sat in the chair on the hill create attentiveness for the audience.
  • Good storyline of Lukash and Aimee before things go wrong.
  • Good shots of Lukash packing up the suitcase and good variety of shots within this scene.
  • Large variety of shots to show the arguing between the two and Aimee’s anger towards Lukash leaving.
  • Good close up of zip being done up on suitcase.
  • Great sequence of Lukash packing the suitcase, works well for the storyline.
  • Variety of shots of Aimee at the window and walking away draws attention to the fact she is upset and unsure in what to do next.
  • Clean mid shot of Aimee falling onto the bed to show her sadness.
  • A lot of good editing to the beat throughout the entire of the music video, keeps the audience engaged.
  • Engaging end mid shot, ties the storyline together.

Targets for improvement:

  • Clip of Aimee looking distressed, which then looks at millie writing notes about what is happening could be finished off with an extra clip looking back at Aimee. This will create continuity and a cut between the two of them to show more of a relationship and understanding.
  • Shot of Lukash and Aimee in the distance (long shot) random and unnecessary, needs to be changed.
  • Clips of the performance, both the mid shot and the profile close up need to cut between the two of them to create interest.
  • Scale in on performance mid shot and profile close up to draw in the audience.
  •  Very quick swap from the lovely and happy memories to something going wrong with their relationship. To improve this change the colour correction to symbolise the difference in moods and show the different feel, plus different time.
  • Cut between Aimee throwing the clothes in the long shot to the clothes coming towards the camera, get a good dynamic.
  • When cutting back to Aimee throwing scale in the shot, shows differences in shot distances.
  • Mid shot of therapist is a very long nodding scene and needs to be cut down.
  • Scale in on performance pan.
  • Pan of Aimee curled up on the bed doesn’t work well as not a lot is been shown in the pan, pans to the wall.
  • Scale in on performance mid shot where Lukash is sat in the flowers, too much greenery which isn’t very nice.
  • Narrative shots of Lukash running across the zebra crossing the Aimee running across don’t make sense as within the next clip Aimee is no where to be seen. Sequence the clips differently, have Lukash walking across then Lukash from Aimees point of view, then Aimee running.
  • Scale in on Aimee in therapy rocking back and forth.

Summarising the feedback given:

Overall we have quite a few clips which need improving, however they are just little adjustments which will allow our music video to be more engaging for the audience and allow the storyline to flow more. We need to improve by add some continuity sequencing now and again throughout the video, however editing to the beat works well through the whole of the video and performance shots are well shot and thought about.

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