Marketing timeline and strategy

In preparation for our social media page we have decided to look into detail at four different ideas of campaigns and promotions, which include competitions, filters, marketing campaigns and cross media convergence. This will help us get our audience involved and allow them to feel as if they are part of the release of our album Sunday roast (all the trimmings):

1.Campaign inspired by faithless

  • This will encourage our audience to post images of their Sunday roast with the hashtag Sundayroast.
  • This is enticing for our audience as it relates heavily to our album cover and we are going to release this campaign just after our album release.
  • The benefits of hashtags – they are able to increase audience engagement, attract more followers and strengthen the brand image and help to reach the target audience.

2. Competition inspired by Phoebe Bridgers

  • By utilising the album booklet in the cover we our going to get our star to sign 25 of the booklets.
  • By buying an album you are in with a chance of finding a signed copy and getting a prize – this could be front row concert tickets.
  • This will encourage our audience to buy the product and create desire and interest towards the album.
  • Creates excitement and engagement with the audience.

3. Instagram filters inspired by Phoebe Bridgers

  • We are going to work with Spotify to create a new Instagram filter which will go along side a new song release.
  • This is a use of cross media convergence and social interaction with other followers.
  • Lukash can then repost each filter which is used by followers.

4. Tiktok sound inspired by Clean Bandit

  • This is another use of cross media convergence.
  • People are able to engage with Lukash’s music more frequently.
  • This is an effective way to get his music to a wider audience, as well as providing entertainment.

After coming up with campaign ideas we have completed a timeline of 9 different posts we would like to post onto our social media page:

By doing this timeline of our 9 posts it will allow us to stay on track with our social media page and know exactly what is needed to be posted at each date. Our posts include behind the scenes, charity work, a variety of campaigns for our album and of course the release of the album. These posts will help entice our target audience and by using cross media convergence this will allow our star image to be on a variety of social medias and other music platforms. Whilst doing the above it will also allow some teasers before the album drop and






Audience interaction with a social media page- an analysis

Below is a screencastify where I analysed The Artic Monkeys social media page in detail to help understand the importance of being able to draw in a specific target audience.  I chose to analyse The Artic Monkeys as we took a lot of inspiration from them when creating Lukash Lee’s instagram page. The Artic Monkeys focus on using action, desire, interest and attention when creating each individual post for their target audience and it helps them to create a personal identity and social interactions using integrated advertising and having a unique selling point.

Click top right to enlarge screen and allow for video to play.

After analysing The Artic Monkeys social media page it has helped us to gain an understanding of what important elements we need to include in our Instagram page, for example key information on tour dates and charity work as well as showing parts of Lukash’s personal identity for fans to feel  connected to are star.

Social media page – key terms

Here I have taken screenshots of The Artic Monkeys Facebook page and analysed the key terms which are important and are need to create technical conventions when creating a social media platform for our artist. By using these key features we will be able to create awareness for our artist and focus on promotions and market campaigns for our correct target audience.


Digipak draft 2

 Here is a draft 2 of our Digipak. We have used a neutral color palette to allow the roast chicken and our star image to be a main feature and draw in the target audience.  We have also used a large font to show off the title of the album in a font that flows well and goes with the genre of Indie Rock.  Before placing our photos onto Indesign we manipulated these on photoshop as we wanted to sharpen certain elements, such as on the front cover, we gave the chicken more of a golden glow and slightly adjusted the candles color.  We also color correct parts to fit with our genre correctly and allow the front and back cover to be bright and make the colors pop. For the middle photo and CD photo we gave these a warm tone and added some graphics and illustrations to add detail and depth.

Below is a screencastify done by our teacher on parts of our digipak we can improve to allow make it more conventional and suit our genre.

Things to improve:

  • Front cover needs to have more of the tabel in it to show off the bottles and allow Lukash to sit further at the top.
  • Sunday roast (all the trimmings) as a track on the back cover.
  • On the back cover the red wine needs to be made to a darker blood red to allow it to standout. 
  • Where the CD sits there needs to be more of the chicken within the photo – reposition photo. 
  • Sharpen trinkets to allow them to shine.
  • Add more shine to goblet.


Digipak draft 1

When self assessing work its vital that we look into detail at conventional features that are missing and what we can do to improve the overall image of our star. Although our digipak is conventional to our genre there are still things we can change to improve the over all colour scheme of the digipak and adjust different positions of things to allow the star to stand out.

Targets for improvement:

  • Straighten the candle stick.
  • Adjust the colour of the front cover to match with the colour of the back cover.
  • Make the red of the wine into a deeper red and match this with the side panels of the back cover.
  • Re position the front cover photo so more of the table is visible.

Contact sheet and evaluation of shoot

Below is a contact sheet of the photos we where able to get when shooting for our digipak. I feel our shoot went well and was also well organised. We where able to create the vision we wanted and by adding filters and conventional features of an album cover it will allow for our digipak to come together. Some photos didn’t quite have the correct lighting we where hoping for or where not well focused but we where able to reflect on these and fix the problem whilst shooting.

Digipak production meeting agenda and risk assessment

Here is a production meeting agenda to make sure we are organised and know exactly what costumes, props and equipment we will need to bring for the day of our shoot. Doing this everyone knows what to bring and it will ensure we do not forget anything important for our shoot.

We have also completed a form to note any potential hazards there may be and our teacher has signed this off to confirm we will be as safe as possible and watch out for anything dangerous that could take place.


Digipak mockup

Below is both a photographic mockup of what we would like our digipak to be based around and underneath that is a drawing of exactly how we would like our images to come out. Furthermore we have also added annotations to this to allow us to focus on the genre and allow the audience to decode our imagery in the correct way.

We would like our star image to come across as sophisticated and different. We want to show Lukash as same but different to other indie rock artists by using the correct conventional features and using repertoire of elements.