Digipak production meeting agenda and risk assessment

Here is a production meeting agenda to make sure we are organised and know exactly what costumes, props and equipment we will need to bring for the day of our shoot. Doing this everyone knows what to bring and it will ensure we do not forget anything important for our shoot.

We have also completed a form to note any potential hazards there may be and our teacher has signed this off to confirm we will be as safe as possible and watch out for anything dangerous that could take place.


Digipak mockup

Below is both a photographic mockup of what we would like our digipak to be based around and underneath that is a drawing of exactly how we would like our images to come out. Furthermore we have also added annotations to this to allow us to focus on the genre and allow the audience to decode our imagery in the correct way.

We would like our star image to come across as sophisticated and different. We want to show Lukash as same but different to other indie rock artists by using the correct conventional features and using repertoire of elements.