Audience interaction with a social media page- an analysis

Below is a screencastify where I analysed The Artic Monkeys social media page in detail to help understand the importance of being able to draw in a specific target audience.  I chose to analyse The Artic Monkeys as we took a lot of inspiration from them when creating Lukash Lee’s instagram page. The Artic Monkeys focus on using action, desire, interest and attention when creating each individual post for their target audience and it helps them to create a personal identity and social interactions using integrated advertising and having a unique selling point.

Click top right to enlarge screen and allow for video to play.

After analysing The Artic Monkeys social media page it has helped us to gain an understanding of what important elements we need to include in our Instagram page, for example key information on tour dates and charity work as well as showing parts of Lukash’s personal identity for fans to feel  connected to are star.

Social media page – key terms

Here I have taken screenshots of The Artic Monkeys Facebook page and analysed the key terms which are important and are need to create technical conventions when creating a social media platform for our artist. By using these key features we will be able to create awareness for our artist and focus on promotions and market campaigns for our correct target audience.