Screen castify of third draft


Front Cover-

  • Add white strike around Grade in the title Upgrade
  • Spelling mistakes for Billie Eilish and Trends
  • Add Chloe’s life’s as a producer to main coverline
  • One blue circle in the lemon color on double page spread and add another pug in it


  • Place coverlines correctly
  • Make the line thickness the same as each other, same width
  • Make contents numbers bigger so they over lap the white border

Double page spreadĀ 

  • Pull standfirst box over so it matches with the main text
  • Move copy column over as its very close to the fold, gutter spacing not wide enough
  • Lost the shape for the main photo, try to get the main shape back
  • Make sure photos aren’t squashed
  • Add yellow or red strike around the small photo
  • Page numbers in the yellow
  • Sharpen the colors so they pop more


Complete magazine draft 3


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What’s New?

  • I Changed the red boxes so it was more opaque
  • Changed New, Music, Season, Updates to just New, Music, Updates as season isn’t really a music term
  • Made latest No1 artists more bold
  • Added a small banner at the bottom about the main star on the front cover
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What’s New?

  • Added strike around coverlid top right corner
  • Added more of a white line to the left hand side to make the page numbers stand out more
  • Made page numbers bigger
Click on image to view

What’s New?

  • Added red strike around the headline
  • Added extra red detailing to different words that needed to standout
  • Added a quote underneath the main photo
  • Added another bold yellow line and made it opaque