Change of narrative

As a group we have come to a conclusion that we are going to have a second and final change in our narrative. Our old narrative turned out to be too complexed and wouldn’t be easy to show throughout a music video.  We where also having trouble in filming the two children who where going to perform as the younger teenagers, therefore we have decided that to keep on track and allow the best music video possible we have changed to a simple narrative.

The new narrative change is now a women who is looking back on her younger self, where she had no worries , no stress, was content with the life around her and had a very good best friend. Within our clips we will show the women at a therapists talking about all the troubles she has in life now compared to when she was younger. We will then flash back to her younger life in summer where she was happy, during this we will show off her summer with one of her closest friends.

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