Test shoot- Lip sync

Below is our test shoot with lip syncing. Within this task we had to shoot a miniature music video in order to be able to test our lip syncing, transitions, variety of shots and editing to the beat.  We conveyed our star image by herself lip syncing within an empty field. When shooting this video we had to make sure we had all the transitions we wanted, for example wide shot to a cut to close up and that we where able to get high quality clips which where focused and the lip syncing was on time.

4 positives 

  • I feel we worked very well as a team and where able to bring our ideas together.
  • Our transitions where good and made sense with our video.
  • We made sure to record the same clip multiple times in order to have enough good quality clips.
  • When editing we knew what we where doing and how to include everyone to help out.

4 negatives

  • When exporting our video to youtube the filter we had used had blurred our video a bit.
  • A couple more transitions may have made our video more exciting.
  • Some cuts of editing are off beat slightly.
  • One of our clips has bad back lighting.

Focusing forward I feel this task has helped in making sure we know exactly what works and what doesn’t when making a music video. For example I now know to make sure the lighting is always correct and that our clips are as high quality as possible. It has also helped me in ensuring the lip syncing is on time and to make sure our narrative for our video is as planned out as possible so we can get a good final narrative. Finally it has also helped with making sure we all know how to use the camera and editing as within this task we where all able to get a feel for what it will be like filming a real music video as we all got to have a go with using the camera and also having our say with editing inputs.


Prelim task mood montage

The theme we got for our montage was frantic/chaos. We planned this storyboard to organize how we what to shoot our montage and the variety of shots we would like to use.  For example at the beginning of our montage there is a cut to a close up to a stressed person in an exam, this will convey the theme of chaos as the close up at look on the persons face will convey the story and atmosphere of an exam that has not gone well.

Below is our final montage:


  • Good camera angles throughout
  • Filmed clips multiple times to make sure we had the right angles
  • Good facial expressions


  • Transition shots aren’t very smooth
  • Narrative isn’t the clearest
  • Lighting isn’t the best

Making this montage helped me to realise that the editing and making sure we can get the correct angles use the camera will be essential to convey the correct narrative for our music video.  I now know how I need to portray the star image using the right mise en scene, range of angles and editing skills. Overall I have learnt a lot when it comes to making my own music videos and I now know what works and what does not.