Design Skills 2

Throughout creating my magazine, I have continued to learn even more design skills that have positively impacted my magazine. These are shown below:

This is the colour theme tool which has allowed me to pick certain colours out of the images and use them in my magazine. This has allowed me to make my star seem built into the magazine and follow the genre. This has impacted my magazine in that it all looks clean and composed and that my star relates to the magazine. The genre of pop is expressed between the star and the magazine, creating interest for my target audience.

This is the drop shadow tool and has allowed me to create a three dimensional look. This has formed the idea of realism and creates a connection with the audience as my stars are not just part of the page. This reflects the idea that although the artists are extraordinary, they are also people like us.

This is a tool which has enabled me to wrap text around shapes and images. I mainly used this on my double page spread where the article wraps around Zoe and the quote which has been enlarged. This has impacted my magazine in that it has enabled the content to interlink and look well put together. It has enabled me to make certain objects (such as the image) larger and more intriguing and interesting for the reader but without losing lots of space for text.

Overall, I am very happy with how my magazine is going and I think that certain design techniques like this are benefiting massively. Although they are small details, they are building up together to positively impact telling my narrative and expressing the genre of pop.

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