Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

Here is the first draft of our music video. Due to unfortunate events, we were unable to film the second performance shoot but because our test shoot was so successful, we decided to use that instead. We also used footage from our performance shoot in this edit.

Self Assessment:

Overall, I think that this draft of our music video went really well. My favorite part is the paparazzi moments. This is as the black and white edit and cutting speed, along with the transitions represent the idea of photographs being taken really well. This editing emphasizes the overarching theme of star image and how music artists are treated. That they are chased by paparazzi and are so unhappy with the lack of personal space. We used lots of different camera angles and editing techniques to keep the video exciting and engaging for the audience.


Although we were very happy with the draft, there are definately some improvements that can be made. For example at times, the lip syncing is not completely in time with the sound. We will improve this by going back and editing to the right time. We also have our narrative side of our shoot which we also need to film and edit in yet. This will break up the filming of the same artist to add even more interest for our audience. We also will look to see if we can find and add more transitions and editing techniques to add even more excitement for our audinece.


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