Specsavers Feedback

During the production of our music video, Lenny (a professional in editing from Specsavers) came and had a look at our music video and gave his feedback on it. Overall, it was all very positive. He really liked the concept of our music video and was impressed at the quality of the film that we had gotten. He also told us that the way we had constructed our narrative and performance filming together was well done.

During our time with Lenny, it was very useful as he showed us how we could apply adjustment layers to our music video to add a filter to a group of cuts. He showed us a way of adding multiple without effecting all of our film. In addition to this, he also showed us how we could gradient it throughout to make it increase/decrease as the music video went on. This is by using something called key frames in the opacity setting. He showed us how to adjust the colour curves to create the filtered look. He altered the blue which definitely created a look that we liked and will apply. This was really useful for me and Zoe to learn as it is going to make it so much easier to add filters to our clips to create the “Instagram” styled look we want to achieve. Being able to gradient it is also extremely useful as we want to show our models getting less made up and our star more made up as the video progresses.

As well as showing us how to add filters to our music video in adjustment layers, he also showed us how we can arrange our workspace so it is more organised and easy to access what we need. This is useful as it makes our lives so much easier when adding new clips in.


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