Teacher Feedback – screen castify

After constructing our draft 2, Mr Gregson did a screen castify to show his feedback on our music video. Below is the screen castify and I have summarised the key points of what he likes and suggestions for improvements.



  • Lovely footage that  is in focus and well lit
  • Perfect lip-syncing
  • Clear narrative
  • Great use of mise en scene with the make up, hair and mirror as a prop
  • Lovely close ups and angles. He really likes the extreme close up of the eyes
  • Small details such as blinking in time with the music
  • Good comparison cuts near the end
  • Good use of the black and white filter
  • Likes the split screen

Things to be improved:

  • Possibly make the taking the make up off and letting the hair down later on in the middle. Maybe at the half way mark or just after.
  • Switch the clips at the beginning so that it starts with a close up of our star.
  • Possibly make some of the clips a bit shorter to add a bit more variety
  • Switch the clips of Anya at 2:16 so that it goes from a mid shot to the close up rather than the other way around
  • The lense flare nearer the end is a bit bright so either move it to a different position on the screen or take it away.
  • Lovely ending but make it last longer. Don’t fade it out so quick.

Overall we are really happy with the feedback we have been given. We will now work on our music video and use the constructive feedback to build on it and make it even better. One of the main changes that we will use is making the transition when they take off their makeup and hair later on in the video. This will impact our music video in that it will enable the full make up to be seen longer and hopefully impact our audience and emphasise how unhappy the people are at that point in time. We will also switch some of the clips around so that it goes from a longer shot to a close up. This will also create more impact as it is going into our models rather than backing away.

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