Timeline and marketing ideas

here is a timeline of some of the ideas we would like to add into our social media page. this will help us so everyone in the group knows what needs to be posted and will keep us organised. after reflecting on this we realised we need to add in more social interactions with her audience so we will add in a live stream or a video to her fans.

in this campaign by Charlie XCX she realised a zoom call for her fans to join every week, she would publish the code to instagram and then people can join it. this will help her promote her album.

this campaign by Trevor Daniel is a really goof idea to get different people of all types of ages and music taste to listen his is song, what he did was publish his song to a famous platform called tik tok and set a trend and got everyone to upload their versions using his song.

in this campaign by faithless she released exclusive content such as videos,photos,live streams and new music. this makes fans feel like their getting exclusive content they wouldn’t normally see.

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