Archive of ‘Video Preliminary Tasks’ category

Lip sync/ test shoot

We went out and did a test shoot of how we want our star image to be conveyed by using different long shots and close ups. We did this to practice our cinematography although this video wasn’t that great due to bad location being at school and no MES we still managed to show the theme.

For this task we had to go and film a short music video to our song that we have chosen. We do this so we can practice different angles that we are going to use such as long shot,close up, high angle, low angle. For the real music video shoot we will add in all of these to tell the narrative.

In this shoot the long shot worked well when we walked towards the camera and the close up was good, Next time we need to improve the high angle to make sure the camera is positioned well and better MES/ location although we couldn’t help that being at school.

Prelim Task Mood Montage

Down below we made a montage storyboard to plan our short 40 second music video. This will show a variety of different shots we will be using to convey a narrative.

3 strengths:

  • Good camera angles/shots
  • Clear narrative and performance throughout
  • Good planning of transitions, so they were fairly smooth

3 weakness:

  • Only used one location so not much variety
  • Some of the transitions could be merged a bit better
  • Few random clips near the end that are not meant to be in there – confuses the narrative

Creating and editing this montage will help me when it comes to the production of my music video. I have learnt a number of things that I can take forward with me into future products, for example the video cannot be disjointed when it comes to editing (cutting to clips, missing parts out) as it wont make the video flow. In Premiere Pro I leant to snip shots and successfully transition from one clip to another. Editing is really important to be able to show the narrative and convey the themes. this will benefit me when coming to edit my video because I will already have an idea.