Archive of ‘Creative Critical Reflection 1’ category

Hello media studies.

Throughout the 2 years I will be doing media studies, I would like to complete all my tasks at the best of my ability to be able to do this I will need to have a good set of skills to do these tasks at a high standard.

Organisation and time management

  • I am organised and make sure that all of my tasks are complete and posted when they are due.
  • I have good time management when it comes to all my blog posts because I give myself enough time to complete them.
  • In the upcoming months I would like to make sure that I can work on doing multiple different blog post/tasks at once to allow me to stay up to date.

planning skills and research.

  • I am good at planning my work so I take time on doing this.
  • I enjoy getting as much research as possible to allow my work to be at a high standard.
  • I would like to produce my research in better ways for example I would like to get better at mood boards and mind maps.

creative skills and technology. 

  • I am a very creative person and enjoy producing different styles for my work to keep it interesting.
  • In the upcoming months I would like to get better at using the technology such as In design to allow my creativity to show in my work the best as possible.

transferable skills.

  • I have good transferable skills because I am good at working in a team and I am good at listening to others in my group.

I am excited to use these skills above and put them into my work but I understand I have to work really hard to achieve the grade I am hoping for.

I am a media prosumer

I now understand that media is consumed for 4 main reasons. entertainment, personality identity, social interaction and education this means that I will endeavour to include all these aspects in my own magazine so that the audience have multiple reasons to enjoy reading it.

This mind map shows the 4 different types of media examples I use on an everyday bases. The purpose of this is to show that media is used all the time without you even realising as its apart of our everyday life. We mainly use it on our phone, computers and tv.