Design Skills 1

In Premiere pro we learnt how to use and experiment with different video effects which both; changed the style of our video and added transitions in between clips. In the app there are many different ones for us to use and by experimenting we managed to find ones which worked for our music video and created smooth transitions. These transitions helped keep the audience engaged at all times.

This feature in premiere pro allowed us to move our clips around, changing the scale and position of them. We could alter it so that the performer was in different places on the screen and we could also zoomed them in and out. This is useful for the editing of our music video as it meant we could now place our performer/object in different parts of the screen, if necessary, allowing variety in change among the clips.

Another feature which we used in premiere pro was the colour wheel. By using this we could change the colour of our clips to either make them brighter, darker or to completely change the background of it. It allowed us to change the look of our clips and made them look more professional. We could add shadows and highlights for different parts and balanced the effects when we could to make it look as best as we could. This allows us to capture the audience’s attention.

The specific impacts on the star image and genre is that these tools will capture what we want as a group, for example colour effects will help to capture the good memories of summer.  These tools help to get across the stars image, these skills specifically effect the video by giving the narrative more of an interesting look instead of plain boring clips.

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