
Advert #1

This is the first advert which I have chosen to put in my magazine is this Ariana Grande perfume one. I think this is fitting for my pop magazine as she is a pop artists, It is an advertisement of the different things which pop artists instead of just singing. It is also very conventional for my target audience as it is aimed towards teenagers and this will be products that interest them.

Poster number 2 is a Harry Styles tour poster. This fits in well for my magazine as it promotes an artist which I have put on my contents page as a topic. Harry Styles also creates pop music, which is the genre of magazine, therefore it ties in perfectly with its conventions. Referring back to my dating profile I  got ideas for what someone would listen to and have interests in, this is generally pop. Also mentioning the title of the tour is ‘love’ so may enhance a meaning.

Collectively both of these magazines match my demographic perfectly as they both use bright colours with eye catching features, something the genre of pop uses a lot.

A New Improved Complete Magazine Draft

please click on for clearer view

please click on image to view a clearer view

Feedback: Front Cover

  • spacing between the text underneath ‘what’s inside’ to be equal
  • conventional big bold text
  • appropriate cover lines

Feedback: Contents Page

  • layout is conventional
  • text is all the same size and font
  • nice bright colours and patterning of background suits the genre

Feedback: Double Page Spread

  • appropriate colour to make it look more interesting
  • added detail of  boxes around the words make it more creative and unique
  •  colourful border around main image makes it stand out

Complete Magazine Draft


  • marble background is effective
  • nice masthead
  • fonts on contents page
  • good image on DPS
  • basics are there



  • make sure spacing is equal either side of masthead
  • put barcode on right hand side
  • move writing down, in the way of the face
  • create staggered text
  • unstretch the model
  • make everything centered
  • change background for contents page as it is overused
  • page numbers
  • align cover lines
  • big headline for each story
  • DPS room for quotes
  • add standfirst in bigger and bolder fonts
  • get rid of hyphens
  • stand out quotes
  • add paragraphs
  • by lines

Draft Of Contents Page

This is the first draft of my contents page for my magazine.


  • bigger images and different ones
  • information for pages
  • text could be smaller so doesn’t look as cramped on page

What’s next?

  • change the images.
  • add information
  • adapt the layout


Feedback & Reflection on Draft DPS

Peer Feedback

  • effective spacing, nothing is cramped together
  • image is nice and big if main artist with an effective background
  • add a border around image too add some shape as it slightly plain at the moment

Teacher feedback

  • the photo has an odd placing of the satellite dish…?
  • who is he?
  • pull quotes?
  • paragraphs
  • clearer headlines…
  • what is it all about?

Targets for development

  • add a more variety of colours
  • more quotes in bigger font
  • add some drop capitals
  • page numbers



Draft of The Double Page Spread



I think my DPS is conventional because it includes:

  • An image on the left hand side
  • Columns

Feedback on my First DPS Draft:

  • some more colour
  • drop capitals
  • add boxes around text or add a border around to be more creative
  • very plain add more detail

My targets for improvement:

  • add drop capitals
  • add an images which relates to the story of my article

What is a Contents Page?

5  catchy captions?

-From Asda to A Star

-The multi-million checkout

-Top 10 of the decade

-The Secret Single…revealed

-The words between the lines

The contents page in a magazine is a very important and a key feature, it informs the reader what is included inside. It also tells you the page number of which you can read about a certain topic on. You can also find added information on the contents page but it is important not too add too much as you don’t want to give too much away and entice the reader into wanting to go and read the magazine. It is key just to include what you need and enough extras to make it interesting but you do not want it to be a distraction from the rest of the magazine.

A New Improved Feature Article

This is my new and improved feature article. I have fixed my target developments and incorporated it below.

Georgia- her life as a pop artist

Get an insight of Georgia’s first year or rising fame

RISE met with Georgia at her recording studio in central London to discuss everything.

 2019 was clearly her year as Georgia is now the next best top pop artist. The beginning of this year for the twenty-one year old was just like everyone else’s, her life was boring. However, within a matter of months her talent became a viral sensation on social media after posting a cover video of her singing Ariana Grande’s ‘Sweetener’. We met up with Georgia to find out how she is enjoying her new life. Georgia described how, at the age of 21 she was still working in her local supermarket as a full-time sales assistant and if it wasn’t for her mum, making her believe she was so good, things would’ve been different. Georgia lives with her mum and younger sister in the north London suburb of Camden. She spent a lot of her time with her friends as it was what she enjoyed most. Her and her friendship group were inseparable, they did everything together from going to the gym to nights out. Georgia was living a completely normal life of a young adult with no crazy plans for the future, at least that was what she thought for now.

 “I went from an ordinary girl working in my local supermarket, to the next big star”.  My dream has always been to be as big as Ariana Grande, and just by covering her song, this has become a reality. I was just messing around, singing her latest song and my mum insisted I recorded it on my Iphone, no fancy soundbox or anything like that. I’ve never been a big believer in myself, personally I knew I could sing, I had that hidden talent but none of my friends have ever heard me before, If i was with them I’d always just mess around and pretend I couldn’t!  

With many rumours of upcoming tours and other gossip spreading around the country, we were able to clear up a few misconceptions with Georgia and in particular she was able to deny the recent rumours of a romantic link to fellow friend Harry but she was absolutely definite that they were just good friends …for now. Recent news stories show Georgia hanging around with this fellow lad on a regular basis.  He travels down from his hometown, not too far from hers most weekends to spend time with Georgia. She claims they are just working on some music together and other things so that is the reason this are spending so much quality time. They were spotted out for dinner together at Georgia’s local Pizzeria last weekend and then in the ice-cream parlour on one occasion. This ongoing sighting of the pair obviously set speculations for their fans leading to assumptions that there is a connection between Harry and Georgia. She said, ‘all will be revealed soon’.

Even though she is at the beginning of her career , Georgia already has many plans for tours, “I cannot reveal any plans for my first tour but what I can say is that it will cover 3 continents and I will appear in 20 different countries” . She described how her  genre of music is ‘unique’ and all her lyrics are ‘heartfelt’ as it is a way in which she can express herself. “Music is my passion, it makes me feel so good about myself!” RISE, are sure that Georgia is enjoying the beginning of everything, and has accomplished everything she wanted at this point in her life.  She has many ambitious projects ahead of her and her life as a pop artist is just evolving.“I’m excited to keep learning from the best, release new songs and grow a fan base. Just everything in life I’ve always wanted.”