The performer of our song is Claire Cottril, professionally known as Clairo. I have analysed her star image to focus on what the common conventions for an indie star are and how she presents herself as a meta-narrative.  This concept describes what makes the star a star, meaning what makes up their brand and how they present themselves to appeal to their target audience.

Richard Dyer came up with the reception theory as an answer to how a star should present themselves. This was that the star should be relatable to their audience so they feel connected to them and thus remain loyal fans; whilst also being distant and alien to the public in order for them to feel extraordinary and special. I think Clairo fits this star image well because she still acts like a normal teenage girl (her target audience) whilst also being able to switch to a professional singer.

Made with Padlet


From making this collage of Clairo’s star image I can see how I need to construct mine for my music video. I think it will be important to keep the playful, childish feel that she presents continuing through my star because it very much fits with the tone of the song and the child-like simplicity of the lyrics. I think the most important thing I need to take forward from this star image research into production is the feeling of being relatable whilst also feeling surreal and exaggerated in order to make a successful star. This can be achieved through our costume and overall styling of our star by elevating what a typical teenager would wear.