We did a test shoot for our music video in order to experiment with some shots and camera angles we may want to use to see which ones will work for our real performance shoot. This also helped me to practice lip syncing to the song so it looks more believable in the finished video. We did these test shots outside at school because we are planning to shoot outside for the actual footage so this means that we will be able to practice with the correct lighting and conditions.

Another reason why doing a test shoot is important is that we can practice using the Premiere Pro editing programme to edit our video together and get a feel for other effects or editing techniques the programme allows us to do.

What went well?

We were able to get an airial shot in the grass which was one of our key shots on our list, this turned out very well and the dappled light added another effect which we were not expecting but ended up really liking.

We added a title with Premiere Pro and were able to cut the footage together well.

We tried out multiple shots and so were able to see what would work for our real performance shoot and what wouldn’t.

Targets for next shoot

Get more different shots and angles for more variation throughout the video.

Practice positioning of the shots with the sock puppet props; they were not in the right place of the frame multiple times.

Perfect the lip syncing because although it wasn’t bad it could definitely be improved upon.

Experiment more with editing techniques and try different effects.