So… I’m ready to make some media!

After learning about about all of the components that I will need to make up my magazine and experimenting with them, I am now ready to start making media. I have listed everything I will need to consider below:

  • Blumler and Katz – Their ideas about the uses and gratification of media, including entertainment, social interaction, personal identity and information are going to be key when designing my magazine. I will need to keep all of these in mind in order to inform and entertain my audience, as well as giving them something to identify and interact with.
  • MES – When dressing my model and taking photos of them I will need to consider costume, lighting. acting (facial expression and body language), make up and hair and finally setting.
  • Camera techniques – Whilst carrying out my photoshoot I will need to consider the angle, distance and lighting of the photos I take to communicate the meaning I want to the audience.
  • Target audience – I will need to research my target audiences age, gender and interests. Then when creating my magazine I will be able to tailor my design to my audience.
  • Layout – I will need to include the conventions of a magazine eg. masthead, cover lines etc. They will also need to be spaced accordingly so everything is legible.
  • Colour scheme – After considering the conventional colours of my genre I will need to apply this to my own magazine.
  • Typography – I will need to research conventional fonts of the genre and use this to inspire my magazine. Also, I will need to experiment with the alignment, size and stroke of the text.
  • AIDA – I need to aim for a magazine that attracts the audience, interests them, creates desire and gives them the tools to take action eg. telling them where to go to download the album.

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