Design Skills 2

Throughout this process of creating and designing my magazine I have become more confident using Photoshop and Indesign.

Image result for drop shadow indesign
One tool that I have found really useful during this process, particularly when constructing my contents page, is the drop shadow tool. This has been very helpful to make the artists look like they are coming out of the page, making them appear closer to the readers. This effect added to the fact the artists were untouchable stars, adding to the extraordinary side of a star from Richard Dyer’s Paradox of the Star theory.
Image result for eyedropper tool photoshop cc 2019
In Photoshop, the eyedropper tool was very helpful to match colour schemes. It was particularly useful when creating the paint lines on my DPS. I was able to match the colours to those in the flowers which enabled the magazine to look coherent. Being able to match these colours and choose colour schemes has helped me to convey my genre in the most clear way possible. For example the colours associated with country music are oranges, reds, yellows and black which I have tried to include in my magazine.

Overall, I think these design techniques that I have been experimenting with and using have been very beneficial in the process of creating my magazine. These tools are helping me to construct a magazine with small details that help to convey my narrative and genre.

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