Draft of Front Page

This is my first draft of the front cover of my magazine.

Please click to view a PDF.

I asked my peers these questions for feedback and these were their responses:

  • What genre of music is the magazine featuring?


  • Describe the front cover star using adjectives – their star image?

‘Friendly, lovely, nice.’

  • Are there areas where the integration and copy is distracting?

‘The background colour of the orange is quite distracting and personally I’m not a fan.’

  • What aspects do you consider conventional or unconventional?

‘I think the way she is dressed is quite unconventional and contemporary, but the fonts support the conventions of country music.’


Following this feedback I have been able to construct some targets for my next draft:

  • I could add a filter to my model to make her brighter.
  • It could also be improved by the background being more exciting or maybe a different colour.
  • I need to add some more details, for example a price and an issue number.
  • Add a pug with details of new hits introduced inside the magazine.
  • I could also add a plug for my masthead.

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