Language Analysis

The Article

The article: ‘Adam Lambert: Don’t Look Back’,  from Billboard Magazine on June 20th 2015 is an interview with Lambert where he talks about what’s going on in his life at that point and how he’s dealing with it.

The Structure 

The first thing the reader sees is the headline, the goal of the headline is to give an interesting and striking title to the content below. The headline ‘Adam Lambert: Don’t Look Back’ does exactly this. It tells us that this article is going to give the reader some insight into Lambert’s past and where he’s heading. It’s effective because it’s dramatic. This is achieved by the choice of short and simple but sharp and impactful language. ‘Don’t Look Back’ is an instruction, there is no arguing with it, that is what is going to happen. 

Under that is the Standfirst. This gives a bit more detail into and an introduction to the contents of the article. In this case, the standfirst is a short summary of Lambert’s progression in his career and then a quote from Addam Lambert to get the reader engaged.

The first paragraph in an article is a very key part in getting the reader’s attention. The interview opens with a quote from Lambert which reads: ‘It’s hard for me to be happy with things’, followed by another quote about how he finds it hard to feel good about himself and that he’s looking for an answer. This does exactly that as it’s showing vulnerability in someone who’s has a massive presence in the media. This intrigues the reader as it’s relatable and makes the reader want to understand the problems that someone with so much money, status and influence could possibly have. 

After this grabbing first paragraph, the reader is given some information on his up-bringing and origin as a musician. This includes albums that he’s released up to present and briefly addresses controversy between moving labels. The journalist then lists a few of his achievements to give some background on his career. This is all included so that the reader can get to know who Lambert is and make them feel closer to him. 

The article then goes on to the actual story that Lambert and the journalist are trying to say. This is mainly about the release of his new music and how it’s changed over time. 

Presence of the Journalist

The journalist’s voice is present through-out the article when not quoting directly from Lambert. There aren’t any opinions from the journalist but they have taken what Lambert has said and written it in his own words. This is done to keep the flow of the interview to make it easier to understand for the reader. 

Language and Aim

In terms of language, the journalist has to keep the reader engaged by using a mix of words that are easy to understand but also interesting and engaging vocabulary to describe Lambert and aspects of the story. When describing Lambert the journalist uses phrases like ‘a sexually ambiguous rocker with a flair for operatic shrieks and studded leather outfits’.

Representation of the Performer

The performer is represented in a way that shows his vulnerability but also shows how he’s overcome his difficulties and this shows his extraordinary side.

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