Peer Review – Draft 5

Peer Feedback – Good
  • ‘Good use of filters’ – Lilly Le Page
  • ‘I like the mix of narrative and performance’ – Anya Bougourd
  • ‘Good editing to the beat’ – Mia Le Cheminant
  • ‘Good energy’ – Mia Le Cheminant
  • ‘Guitar and drums sync well’ – Mia Le Cheminant
  • ‘More close ups of narrative, house, and musicians’ – Mia Le Cheminant
  • ‘Wider variety of shots including close ups’ – Lilly Le Page
  • ‘Scale shots in Premier Pro to get a wider range of shots’ – Anya Bougourd

From this feedback and other feedback, it is clear that the only thing that we are really missing now is close up shots. We did have a shoot planned specifically to get close up shots but that has had to be postponed. We still plan to do this however as close up shots, specifically of the singer, are an important convention for our genre. It is essential for conveying the star image to the audience  through the facial expressions of the singer and portraying emotion.

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