Social Media Page

This is uur social media page for our star. The page is meant to act as a hub for fans and the band to interact with each other, playing into Blumler and Kats theory on uses and gratifications. It informs the fans on release dates, merch, and tours. It also provides entertainment through the form of behind the scenes content. Branding was also important throughout the page to make it coherent and consistent. This is something that we could have done better through colour schemes however the fonts, colours and filters were kept consistent throughout which is an important part of branding. The other important aspect was to reflect on our mission statement and to make sure we are sticking to what we promised. We did this through the captions through referring to our fans as our friends, showing gratitude and being humble towards the fans. All of this put together has given us a solid media campaign which has clear image and branding.

click for link to page

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