Masthead Designs

The masthead is a very important step in creating a successful magazine cover. It must standout to the audience and also fit the genre. When creating these, I played around with font, letter width, letter height and colours. All of this had to be kept with in the conventions of the genre, to do this I looked at other mastheads within the genre and found that they all use bold text and was all in capital letters. I also used AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) to help me figure out the branding of the magazine. To grab attention, I use bold lettering. To strike interest, I will use cover lines that make the audience curious. To create desire, I will create an interesting cover star that has an envious lifestyle but stays relatable. Finally, all of this put together properly will make the audience take action and buy the magazine.

Brand Mood Board & Star Image

When creating a star’s image it is important to make them relatable and ordinary yet also extraordinary and nothing like you and me. This is called the paradox of the star. The repertoire of elements uses conventions to establish the genre that the star is in, this can include aspects of Mise-on-scene such as costume, hair and make-up.

In this first slide the artist is shown to be a celebrity and have a desirable lifestyle where as the second slide shows the artist to be like everyone else and quite normal.

Bryan Garris is represented in articles to be talented and successful vocalist and front man who’s found lots of success in the genre. This is shown in articles such as: ‘THE 10 GREATEST HARDCORE FRONTPEOPLE RIGHT NOW’ and ‘KNOCKED LOOSE TO HEADLINE 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION OF OUTBREAK FEST’.

He is also portrayed to be more like a regular guy through certain articles but mainly through his twitter feed. One article talks about him having to leave a tour due to a family emergency which shows his vulnerable side. He has fun with his twitter followers where he isn’t very serious and jokes around with them but he does also address important issues like racism.

  • Tattoos
  • Tiny Hat
  • Chain
  • Piercings
  • Dickies
  • Vans
  • Flannel Shirts
  • Band Merch
  • Organic
  • Honest
  • Edgy
  • Crisp
  • Familiar

I will follow these for my own star image as it follows the conventions of the genre and it will be recognisable for the consumer.

Brand Moodboard

This is a mood board of my chosen genre for me to reference when creating my music magazine. It includes denotations, such as: tour posters, album art, magazine layouts, band photos and logos. The connotations of the images are edgy, angry, dramatic and arrogant. This will help inspire me for the branding of my music magazine. It will ensure I use all the same conventions and it has everything the audience is expecting of the magazine.

Colour Pallet

My Audience Profile and Research

It is important to find out the demographic and psychographic of the people who will be reading my magazine so I can figure out my target audience. The target audience needs to be able to socially interact with and identify with the brand and the content. I need to understand what is entertaining for the audience and what information they care about so that I can strategically plan out the topics of the articles I write and also the advertisements I add in. I will have to use all the right colours, symbols, fonts and techniques to encode the right message for the target audience to decode. If they react positively then it’s a preferred reading and tells me as a graphic designer that I’ve done well.

For researching the different audiences for the different genres, we used the website Sadly it didn’t have any artists in my sub-genre on the site so I went with the closest thing.

Artists and their Fan Base

Dating Profile

Using my knowledge of my choses genre, I created a dating profile for a typical Hardcore Metal fan. I included bands that he listens to, things he does to pass the time and things like his job and general day-to-day life.

Branding Ideas & Mission Statement

Genre – Hardcore/Metal

Name Brainstorm

Out of all these names I like ‘Breakdown Metal Magazine’ the most as it has the double meaning in the word ‘breakdown’. Breakdowns are a key part of all metal but it also means a breakdown of what’s been happening in metal each month.

Hardcore word cloud

General Brainstorm

When I get to designing my magazine I will have to make sure that: there is clear branding which fits the genre, it has a USP (unique selling point) to make it more desirable compared to other magazines in the genre, and uses the gratification theory so that it is marketed to the right target audience and those people can interact and identify with it.

Mission Statement
‘Be the first to hear about the meanest, meatiest and filthiest riffs and breakdowns on the scene right now. New music, festivals, tours, you name it! BREAKDOWN Metal Magazine is the only magazine you should ever be reading for the latest metal news.’

My Tour Poster

In this task we were given a brief to create a tour poster for an indie artist. To start this I created a collage of other indie tour posters to give me ideas for my own.

When researching Indie tour posters, I had to investigate the colour pallet, fonts, images and layout. All of these features will help me to create my own Indie tour poster. I discovered that the colour pallet was often pastel colours, the text was bold and either all capitals or all lowercase, they didn’t have an image of the artist but they had graphics that related to the artist. The artist name is either at the top or at the bottom of the poster and is the biggest text on the poster. Tour dates were on the bottom half of the poster and ticket info was right at the bottom.

For the creation of my tour poster I followed AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

I also had to keep in mind fonts, images, colour, layout and typography. These all needed to fit the conventional look for the genre

This task has helped me get to grips with Adobe Indesign better when laying out my own images, texts and ideas onto a page. This has been good practice for when I have to create my music magazine.

My Magazine Front Page Swede

This is my copy of the NME cover from 27th October 2012. I created this in Adobe’s Indesign which is the professional software used by all magazine designers. When recreating the cover I had to make sure I included all the conventional features of a magazine such as the masthead, main cover star, cover lines, insets, pugs and plugs.

Three of my strengths when creating this were:
  • text manipulation
  • inserting images
  • using rulers and guides to align the text and images
Three of my weaknesses when creating this were:
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • Finding the exact images
  • using the same fonts

Doing this has really helped me as I understand the layout of a music magazine much better now I’ve created this so I will be able to use these techniques when laying out my magazine. I also can now navigate Indesign better than I could before. Being more familiar with this means that I will be able to produce a higher quality product when it comes to making my own magazine.

Youtube tutorials to help me improve for next time

A Front Cover Analysed

I have learnt that target audience is very important when creating an effective magazine cover. The audience demographic and psychographic are the two key ways of figuring out the target audience. Once I have a target audience I can use that to choose the best font, colour pallet, images, MES, camera angle, body language, framing, and language to use.

Conventional Features of a Magazine

This is an analysis of a magazine cover that I did with Max which points out all of the conventional features of a magazine.

  • The Mast Head – This is the name of the magazine written in a big and clear font
  • The Main Cover Line – This gives a small bit of information about what’s on the cover, it’s usually a head line with a small caption
  • Pugs – These are small bits of information to draw in the reader in a small bright shape
  • The Cover Star – An image of the artist or subject of what the main story is about which takes up the whole cover
  • Insets – Other small images on the cover
  • Plug – Tells you what the magazine is about in a short statement
  • Cover Lines – Any writing on the cover, usually giving info about what’s inside
  • Price & Barcode – In the bottom right or left corner to make it easier to scan

These features will be something I keep in mind when creating my magazine cover. They will be important so that the cover is effective and draws people in. The positioning of all of these is important too so that it’s visually pleasing for the audience.

The Camera Talks

In this task we went out in groups with camera and had to take 9 photos which tell a story. To tell the story we had to keep in mind framing, distance and angle.

  1.  ‘face down in the road’ | #low angle   #close up   #centre shot  #landscape | #pain   #dead
  2.  ‘behind bars’ | #close up   #low angle   #portrait | #sad   #distress   #vulnerable
  3.  ‘flower power’ | #level angle   #close up   #prop   #portrait | #joy   #delight   #satisfaction
  4.  ‘over it’ | #long shot   #2 shot   #landscape | #disgust   #longing   #unforgiving
  5.  ‘sitting regret’ | #long shot  #high angle  #rule of thirds  #landscape | #alone   #regret   #thinking   #lonely
  6.  ‘the climb’ | #canted  #portrait  #high angle  #medium shot | #struggle   #determination   #resilient
  7.  ‘lost it all’ | #high angle  #portrait #medium shot | #hopeless   #ashamed   #regret
  8.  ‘loners walk’ | #long shot  #landscape  #level angle | #lonely   #wander   #down
  9.  ‘short peer’ | #portrait  #rule of thirds  #long shot | #mystery   #suspicious   #inconspicuous

During this task, I have learnt the power of angles and position when taking pictures. Long shots give a sense of loneliness where as a close up shot gives you more of sense of the emotion of the person. Low angles show power and status where as a high angle shows vulnerability and weakness. If the camera angle is canted then it gives an uneasy sense as if something is wrong. I will be able to apply these techniques when filming for my music video.