My Tour Poster

In this task we were given a brief to create a tour poster for an indie artist. To start this I created a collage of other indie tour posters to give me ideas for my own.

When researching Indie tour posters, I had to investigate the colour pallet, fonts, images and layout. All of these features will help me to create my own Indie tour poster. I discovered that the colour pallet was often pastel colours, the text was bold and either all capitals or all lowercase, they didn’t have an image of the artist but they had graphics that related to the artist. The artist name is either at the top or at the bottom of the poster and is the biggest text on the poster. Tour dates were on the bottom half of the poster and ticket info was right at the bottom.

For the creation of my tour poster I followed AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

I also had to keep in mind fonts, images, colour, layout and typography. These all needed to fit the conventional look for the genre

This task has helped me get to grips with Adobe Indesign better when laying out my own images, texts and ideas onto a page. This has been good practice for when I have to create my music magazine.

My Magazine Front Page Swede

This is my copy of the NME cover from 27th October 2012. I created this in Adobe’s Indesign which is the professional software used by all magazine designers. When recreating the cover I had to make sure I included all the conventional features of a magazine such as the masthead, main cover star, cover lines, insets, pugs and plugs.

Three of my strengths when creating this were:
  • text manipulation
  • inserting images
  • using rulers and guides to align the text and images
Three of my weaknesses when creating this were:
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • Finding the exact images
  • using the same fonts

Doing this has really helped me as I understand the layout of a music magazine much better now I’ve created this so I will be able to use these techniques when laying out my magazine. I also can now navigate Indesign better than I could before. Being more familiar with this means that I will be able to produce a higher quality product when it comes to making my own magazine.

Youtube tutorials to help me improve for next time

The Camera Talks

In this task we went out in groups with camera and had to take 9 photos which tell a story. To tell the story we had to keep in mind framing, distance and angle.

  1.  ‘face down in the road’ | #low angle   #close up   #centre shot  #landscape | #pain   #dead
  2.  ‘behind bars’ | #close up   #low angle   #portrait | #sad   #distress   #vulnerable
  3.  ‘flower power’ | #level angle   #close up   #prop   #portrait | #joy   #delight   #satisfaction
  4.  ‘over it’ | #long shot   #2 shot   #landscape | #disgust   #longing   #unforgiving
  5.  ‘sitting regret’ | #long shot  #high angle  #rule of thirds  #landscape | #alone   #regret   #thinking   #lonely
  6.  ‘the climb’ | #canted  #portrait  #high angle  #medium shot | #struggle   #determination   #resilient
  7.  ‘lost it all’ | #high angle  #portrait #medium shot | #hopeless   #ashamed   #regret
  8.  ‘loners walk’ | #long shot  #landscape  #level angle | #lonely   #wander   #down
  9.  ‘short peer’ | #portrait  #rule of thirds  #long shot | #mystery   #suspicious   #inconspicuous

During this task, I have learnt the power of angles and position when taking pictures. Long shots give a sense of loneliness where as a close up shot gives you more of sense of the emotion of the person. Low angles show power and status where as a high angle shows vulnerability and weakness. If the camera angle is canted then it gives an uneasy sense as if something is wrong. I will be able to apply these techniques when filming for my music video.

My Image That Uses Mise-en-Scene To Communicate Meaning

Made with Padlet


In groups, we were all allocated a music genre to research and looked the media surrounding it. My group: Lils, Aimee and I, were given Indie Music. This is our mood board which explores the genre decode of indie music. The mise-en-scene includes clothing, make up, props, camera angles, colours and how photos are edited. For indie we found that there is quite a laid back and chilled skater kind of vibe. This is shown by the artists wearing baggy clothes and posing in a relaxed style. This also gives a friendly and welcoming feel to the subject.

Denotations – Connotations
  • Flowers – happy
  • Baggy clothing – relaxed
  • Pastel/bright colours – friendly & welcoming
  • Vinyls – Vintage & retro
  • High saturation – friendly & welcoming

Post-it Photo


What we had to think about when creating our indie star
  • Costume
  • Make up
  • Pose & body language
  • Props
  • Facial Expression
  • Camera angle

I was the model for this shoot so I had to dress as an indie artist. T0 capture the relaxed, skater vibe, I wore baggy jeans with an oversized hoodie. I kept the hood down and tied the strings of the hood into a bow. I had a red bandanna on to hold back my dreads which portrayed the chilled look well. I had a coloured tee peaking through to contrast the black hoodie. Jewellery wise, I had two rings on my right hand and one ring on my left. I had 8 ball socks on to show the friendly and approachable side. I brought my skate board as a prop and wore my skate shoes as skating corresponds with this genre of music.


Chosen Photo

I feel like this photo works the best as it captures the exact vibe that we want for indie music. The pose choses in this shot shows me laying down in the grass, this gives the relaxed and natural look. Costume wise, I have the oversized clothes, 8 ball socks, my skate shoes and my skateboard which is a popular look for indie artists as it has a vintage 90s look to it. I also have a flower in my hair and I’m holding a flower, this gives a sense of joy and innocence which shows that I’m laid back and just enjoying myself. My facial expression furthers the point of joy friendliness.

Mise-en-scene is very important when conveying meaning and trying to tell a story with an image. I have learnt that costume, facial expression, body language and camera angles are all very important factors to keep in mind when taking photos for a poster or magazine.