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Advert Feedback and Targets – Draft 1

After completing the first draft of our advert, we decided to get hold of different peers and ask them questions about what they liked and what we could improve on through our advert. In general I was pleased with this feedback because of the critical yet very helpful advice.

We used one of our groups iPhones to record the feedback because it was a quick and simple way to collect information. We used the ‘Voice Memos’ app to record.

Advantages of using Voice Memos:

-Good way to have a record of what the peers said exactly word for word.

-Easy way to ask for feedback, not much preparation needed.

-In general a really quick, simple way to get information about the product.

Disadvantages of using Voice Memos:

-Seemed harder than I first thought to save onto the computer, so it ended up taking a long time to put onto the blog.

-You are able to hear other voices in the background.

Here is the voice recordings of the students:

Positive feedback:

-Good colour scheme

-Wave looks really effective

-Art illustrations fit the genre well.

Negative feedback, Targets:

-The logos are too high up so we will move them lower on the advert.

-The titles are not centred, align the titles into the middle of the advert.


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