Design Skills 1

Throughout the music video portion of our media coursework. We have used a new range of software to help with editing our performance.

  • One of the most important tools we have used is the razor tool, the razor tool allows us to cut as efficiently as possible. For example if you press somewhere in 1 clip, it turns into 2 clips, then pressing it again somewhere turns it into more clips etc.

  • Another tool we used was Lumetri Colour, a color correcting feature. From this we could change a range of option relating to the appearance, ranging from changing the temperature, to changing the contrast of the media. The effect we used the most though was the faded film, with this we were able to change the film to make it appear older than it actually is, it also made the bright colours stand out more, the Britpop scene used a lot of bright vibrant colours. The shots were also very confrontational, creating an intimate but also intimidating feel. This helps the star image and genre of our characters by fitting it to the ordinary conventions.



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