MV – Dummy Mash Up Evaluation questions

  • What lessons did you learn about planning and the use of Shot Lists and Production Meeting Agendas? Why are they important when out on shoot? 
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  • What lessons did you learn about directing people in front of the camera? What information do they need to know about their character / their performance style? How can the director get them to relax and have confidence in front of the camera in order to perform well? 
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  • What lessons did you learn about filming the performance for your production?
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  • What did you learn about editing and post-production?
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  • What did you discover about the use of conventional Mise-En-Scene for music videos? (Refer to the completed Dummy Mash Up with all the various genre’s included).
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Cut and paste the questions above and give some detailed responses to them – what did you learn from the task? what will you take away? how will your production benefit from this exercise?  Flag up what went wrong too – this was a learning experience so make sure you have learnt valuable lessons in readiness for your own production.

Remember to use as much media lingo as you can that you have learnt so far – include the terms (conventions, repertoire of elements, blueprint, contract, predictable pleasure, star image, paradox of the star, metanarrative, extraordinary, ordinary, present, absent, genre, narrative, disjunctive, amplification, illustrative, performance, break the 4th wall etc…) and also refer to the product/text with specific moments, examples, outcomes.