My Tour Poster

Here I found 10 different tour posters from male and female hip-hop music artists.

AIDA (attract, interest, desire and call attention). Media producers need their product to look the same as the typical conventions of a hip-hop tour posters while also different in order to attract the right audience, interest their target audience, make sure it looks fun and worth their time (the desire to go) and finally make it stand out in order to reach a wider audience.

From observation, I have noted that they all have a black/dark background, looking contemporary, which is very conventional for the hip-hop genre as it connotes mystery and is quite intimidating like how a lot of the artists present themselves. Moreover, they all tend that have a colour pallet of red and a yellowy gold on the poster which these colours have connotations of confidence, success and creativity- mirroring their personality and the genre. Some of typeface used is very bold, blocky and modern as you can see it’s very commonly used throughout the tour posters. Conventional images are the main artists looking confident and tough creating this cool, gangster image I’ve seen whilst studying this genre. The camera angles seem to vary but majority are either mid-shots or close shots of the star.

From this I can now transfer these conventional features on the tour poster I create in order to attract, interest, call attention and give people the desire to go to the tour in order to achieve the main purpose of the media industry- to make money. I’m hoping I can successfully create a conventional yet engaging and unique tour poster with help from my research.

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This is my final draft of my tour poster, I enjoyed using indesign and photoshop to create/design this tour poster, it’s really helped me get to grips on how to use certain features which will help me in the future when I use indesign and photoshop for other projects like my music magazine and digi pack. Also, I now have the knowledge of AIDA which I believe can also be transferred for when I do my magazine cover.

Here is my personal evaluation:

Feedback on the Brief

  • Does it fulfil the brief as stated in the blog?
Your comment:      Yes
Feedback on colours:

  • Has the design used a consistent colour scheme?
  • Is there a relationship between the colours in the image and the colour of the graphic design?
  • Do the colours seem typical of the genre?
Your comment:     Yes, I have kept a constant colour scheme of red, black and white. I chose red as I made the image of the star red so it all matched together nicely. I made sure to have a black background as this was the most common convention I have seen in the hip-hop genre as well as the red colours I have seen used commonly.
Feedback on typeface:

  • Is all the text legible? 
  • Is the typeface well chosen and does it suit the apparent genre?
  • How many typefaces are used in the design?
Your comment:     I have chosen a big blocky font for the mast head and the cover line, then I chose a more graffiti-like typeface matching with the genre. I made sure the typeface was big and bold as it is very conventional in the hip-hop genre. Altogether, I used 2 fonts. One thing I could improve is that the cover lines with the states on may not be legible and are hard to read as it goes over the image which is also red, so next time I may use a different colour like yellow or outline the letters in a white. 
Feedback on integration of image and graphics

  • Does the text wrap around the image well?
  • Does the eyeline of the model focus attention?
Your comment:       I put the cover lines with the dates and locations over the image as they show important information, and then I put the image over the cover lines on the left to make sure the image/main cover star stands out. The model is looking towards the audience which also helps focus attention. 
Feedback on image

  • Does the costume reflect a particular genre?
  • Is the body language of the model appropriate?
Your comment:        The costume reflects the genre well as the body language because it shows an action in which she is holding a gun up to the audience which reflects this gangster image, and I added a bullet hole to make it seem like she has just shoot. The costume is very hip hop with the iconic backward hat, fur, aviator sunglasses and long jewellery. One thing I may change would be to switch the pearls to chains as I find chains to be more conventional to the genre.  
Feedback on copy

  • Do the words on the page prompt a sense of desire?
  • Is there a clear call and a route to action? (AIDA)
Your comment:      There is a clear call and route to action on the poster as there is limited but informative language, which keeps it easy to locate information in order to make it easier to sell. With the name of the star being the biggest text on the page which makes it easily identifiable and draws attention. Maybe next time I could add some phrases to the poster to prompt more of a sense of desire like “live for the first time”. 
Feedback on connotations

  • What messages and ideas are being communicated in the text?
  • Do those messages and ideas seem appropriate to the genre and purpose of the text?
Your comment:        The ideas being communicated through the text are that it’s a gangster, cool hip-hop star and I believe the colours, costume and acting communicates this. The colours used have connotations which match the genre with red connoting the danger gangster side and the costume and acting connotes a cool, confident side. 

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