1st Shoot Contact Sheet

This was my 1st cover shoot were I directed, designed took the photos by myself. I really enjoyed myself as it was a fun shoot while also productive. Overall I took over 50 photos, which was the minium I aiming for, in order to make sure I managed to capture the “money shot”. Also, I considered I needed some photos for my content page so I tried out some fun, different poses using props like the phone case and the stool.

These 2 photos are some of my favourite which I’m sure to tryout or even use for my magazine. The 1st one is a mid-shot and my model looks fun, flirty and playful as you can see with the pose and acting of her playing with her hair. I find this photo really captured the genre and what the star image I was aiming to represent. The 2nd photo is one I directed her to pose with the phone prop as I visioned this on my contents page with the ‘star as the agony aunt’ section I planned to do to make my magazine different from the competition.

Finally, I believe the shoot went well however, a couple things I would change if I could go back is to use the white room as her hair is really dark and when it comes to editing her I predict it will be difficult to cut her out- especially the plait with the beads on it. Furthermore, I wish I could of gotten a telephone prop and painted it pink instead of using an iPhone case as I believe it would of looked cooler and stand out more.

Thinking forward, now that I have my cover photos and masthead done I can now start planning and designing my magazine- which I can’t wait! Moreover, for when I do my 2nd shoot for my double page spread I have the knowledge and now experience of how to set up the studio and direct the model succesfully.


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