Final Magazine

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After all the hard work I have completed my first every magazine design! I have learned so much and have made amazing progression along the way. Back in September we started the preparation learning the technical key terms of magazines as well as the conventional features. We learned how to attract our target audience for a preferred reading through media language as well as the competition before we began designing. We did a practical task were I dressed up as a music star from a randomly selected genre this taught us how the use of mis-en-scene is very effective in creating a star image then we learned how the different camera angles can convey different feelings and tell a story.

We began learning the basics of indesign and photoshop by copying a magazine cover which taught me most of the basic skills I need to start designing on my own. We created a tour poster using the photos from are practical which further developed my knowledge of these software. Then we did a course on learning how to use the camera in a studio and setting up the lighting to get the best quality pictures and planned out the mise-en-scene to create a star image I wanted to portray.

Finally, after all the tasks we began the designing process which just from comparing my first draft to my final piece I am really proud of how much I have improved and I’m very happy with how it all comes together.

My Chosen Adverts

A magazine contains lots of different ads that companies pay a lot of money for. To complete my magazine I have chosen 2 advertisements that I think best suit my genre and my target audience demographic. My target audience is older teens to young adults so from ages of 16-21 and a majority female audience.

This is my first advert, it’s an advert from one of the most famous pop stars Ariana Grande which my target audience will easily recognise. The colours and atheistic match the fun girly vibe my magazine has. The product is a perfume which my target audience will really like and fits the female demographic.

Madison Beer - Revolution Live

This is my second advert, it’s advertising Madison Beer’s tour. Since this is a music magazine putting a tour advert is very fitting, she also is very popular with my target audience age demographic and I did some research and found most of her fans at her concerts are female which is perfect for my magazine.

Now that I found my ads, I can do the finishing touches for my magazine and join it together.

My Magazine Draft 3

Below are all 3 of my designs for my magazine in their 3rd draft. I have also embedded my teachers feedback below.

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In summary here are the improvements my teacher recommended:

Front Cover

  • Move the main cover line with the name of my main cover star to bottom left
  • Make sure the “Win!” cover line in inline with the others
  • Make “Izzy” bigger

Contents Page 

  • Change the font on the categories to the bold modern one
  • Go through spelling
  • Move “Izzy spills all” down so it’s not on her face

Double Page Spread

  • Move the article on the right page to the right to avoid the fold
  • Tryout making the “Q” gold

Now that I have received my feedback I will be making these final changes and adjustments to complete my first ever magazine.

2nd Draft of DPS

Click to view my DPS

This is my second draft of my DPS, I’m loving the layout although unconventional I feel as if it’s very exciting and works well.

Whats New?

  • Added the article
  • Played around with the text layout for the article
  • Put the article in a san serief font so it’s easier to read
  • Added ‘Q’ and ‘A’ and made them stand out and easier to navigate
  • Changed ‘Izzy Upson’
  • Added a byline
  • Played around with the pull quote
  • Added the email to allow the reader to contact the editors

Whats Next?

  • Try out making the ‘Celebrity’ in a textured gold
  • Add some graphics like some lines around the pull quote to emphasise the shock
  • Play with ‘Izzy Upson’ make it more exciting

Draft 2 of my Contents Page

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Here is my 2nd draft of my contents page.

Whats New?

  • Added a new image of a different model
  • Added hot pink colours to tie in with the pink fan
  • Added an editors note
  • Made the line spacing closer
  • Changed “Celebs and News” to “Music and Celebs”
  • Changed the page number

Whats Next?

  • Change the colour of Izzy’s outfit to match the front cover and DPS
  • Edit the numbers to center them in the box
  • Fix Izzy’s head in photoshop
  • Get rid of the mark on Izzy’s stomach
  • Make line spacing 1pt wider as I feel it looks too empty
  • Edit Sophie’s skirt to make it fit in the circle

My Front Cover Draft 2

Here is my 2nd draft, I started from scratch as I wasn’t keen on my 1st draft and pretty much changed the whole cover.

Whats new?

  • New image from my retake
  • Changed the fonts
  • Added new cover lines
  • Made the background colour pink instead of grey to match my DPS
  • Changed the colour of ’11’ in my masthead
  • Added my main cover stars name
  • Changed the colour and brightened the outfit
  • Brightened my models eyes

Whats next?

  • Get rid of the border or see if it looks better
  • Put something else in the blue box
  • Add another cover line in the top right
  • Play around with the cover lines trying a different font on some as it looks very blocky
  • Fix her hair in photoshop
  • Remover the pink bead as it looks weird