Shot List

This was our shot list, this plotted out all of our shots in a order which is easy to follow, as they are in order of location and time in the film, this is to make our filming as efficient as possible so that we can spend as much time as possible re-shooting shots were not happy with.


Thriller Story Boards

These are our story boards that we used to plan out our thriller, they show small illustration of what each scene should roughly look like, have rough timings so that we have an outline of how long each shot takes and also gives us information on the types of shot each one is.


Final Narrative

After presenting all of our ideas to each other we came to a decision, we chosen to make our thriller intro about a girl in her teens wandering, what at first seems aimlessly, through a forest. At the same time we will have a guy who is also in his teens, seeming to do the same thing. Throughout the entirety of these shots were going to have sudden cuts to a detective board that has pictures of suspects and locations, of which some will be recognizable. After a bit of walking the guy will come out of a pathway onto a field with a single bench, which he proceeds to sit down at. Soon after the girl will walk out of the same path revealing that he was being followed the whole time, she will then walk up to the guy an kill him with a concealed knife.


I’m really happy with this narrative, and I think that we can make many good shots and edits come from this narrative.

Thriller Conventions Mood Board

When creating the idea for our thriller we first made one mood board each filled with different thriller conventions, we then presented our ideas to each other and combined them to make a rough outline of what we wanted our thriller to be.

These were our mood boards:

Our three ideas were, a war themed thriller that could of used the abandoned bunker nearby to bring interesting mise-en-scene to some of the scenes. A flashback centered thriller that plays with the minds of the viewers making them think but also keeping their attention through suspense. Finally, A detective themed thriller that tries to figure out a murder mystery before it’s to late, but the twist is that the murderer is the innocent little girl.

From this and input from others we ended on making a crime/ Detective thriller, in which the killer is a girl with a knife, though from the editing and mise-en-scene you won’t be able to tell this until she actually kills a man. The man is dressed in general black clothing as to suggest he’s a murder but the it will be turned on it’s head during the end.

Also, there will be constant cuts throughout the opening to a detectives board, which will show pictures of the characters and locations as they are introduced, then at the end we will reveal the whole board.

Narrative Codes

In this task we explored the codes behind every film, this idea was conceived by the media theorist, Roland Barthes,  he stated that meaning in texts is created by using one of the following narrative codes:

  • Enigma Code
  • Semic Code
  • Action Code
  • Symbolic Code
  • Cultural Code

specificity looked at the enigma code, action code and semic code. We looked at previous students thrillers and analysed how they used these codes, from this we can get new interesting ideas that will help us to plan out the story board for our thrillers.

To view the task click here





This is a montage I’ve made with Laurence and Joely as to prepare for the making of my thriller, in this I make a paper airplane and at first I fail then I succeed,  This helps me in showing that time has passed whilst not taking up a lot of time this could be very useful when making my thriller.


  • I like the implementation of the music during the last 10 seconds of the clip, even though the music was sped up you couldn’t tell and it still gave the effect that we were aiming for.
  • The editing during the creation of the paper planes really speeds up the scene as a whole and fits really well with the clip overall.


  • There is a shot at 0:28 that is completely out of focus, which makes this last scene feel of a lower quality then the rest of the clip.
  • There is a few continuity errors throughout the clip, the most obvious is when I first crumple up the plane, as when it hits the ground it’s upside-down and when I grab it it’s right side up.

Montage Storyboards

To prepare ourselves for our thrillers we created a short montage, ours was about a guy learning to make a paper through trail and error, and eventually succeeding.

We did this as to help us to understand pace when editing and also it helps us learn how to add transitions and other small effects to our projects.