Editing Process

To cut all of our shots that we took together, we used the Adobe program Premiere Pro,  this program was at first really complicated for me to understand but then it quickly became easy to used and was very quick to cut our shots together. Here are some examples of what we did during the editing of the thriller:

This is a screenshot of us editing in a fade transition between two of our shots, we did this by slowly dimming the light on the shot until it became black then illuminating it at the same speed to create a really nice fade that we can change the speed of freely.


This shows us creating a camera flash on some of our detective board shots, we did this in the same way that we made the fade transition but instead we just made it a lot quicker and flash instead, we did this because we thought that it would go well with the detective theme whilst adding something extra to the thriller.


Another feature that we did with our thriller was colour correction which can make certain shot look better and fit our themes better, for instance a few of our shots are a bit too bright to we made them all slightly darker with colour correction as to make them fit the theme better.


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