Effects and Titles

To create our titles we used After Effects, as this let us create detailed titles with many different types of  fonts and animations.
For our titles we wanted to go for a very detective or 1970 police station theme, to do this we used a very thin font, Gautami, as this is similar to a typewriter kind of font.


After finding the right size and font for the titles, we next looked for a good animation so that the titles can come into frame smoothly and not look bad. Luckily the first animation we found was perfect for what we wanted, that being a typewriter, this made the titles look as if they were being typed onto the frame which looked great with the font. After this we didn’t particularly think that this kind of style would suit having an animate out, so instead we left it and made it disappear when the frame changes.

Double Title

After researching other big time thrillers’ titles we saw that some of the titles introduce two people at the same time, as to make space for other members of the production crew, so to do this we overlapped two titles and timed the animations so that they would both start and finish at the same time, what we ended up with look professional.

Naivete grid

Finally, when we created the main title we made it so that it cuts to black and then the title slowly fades in one letter at a time, this created a really nice effect and we were all really happy with this, then to finish this off we used the grid tool as to center the title in the middle of the page.


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