Draft 3 Feedback

For Draft 3 we recorded another group reacting to our thriller, and then having them give us helpful feedback whether it be positive or negative.
We used premiere pro in order to make this video, as we had to cut and sync both of the videos together.

From this feedback we learned that we should consider re-positioning some of the titles and that some of the sizes may also want to be considered. We also need to add a few more sounds into some of the actions as to make them feel more realistic.  But other than this we got very positive feedback, saying that most of it worked well with each other.


Sound effects and Music

To add the sound to our thriller we used sound booth in order to blend, cut and add all of the different sound that we captured.

The first thing we did when starting our sound was to blend all of the Foley sounds together in order to create certain sounds, for instance, we created the sound effect for the gate creek by blending a pencil, whiteboard pen and a CD case into one sound, this ended up sounding really realistic.




Then we downloaded some copyright free sound of the internet and blended them all together in order to create the background music for the entirety of the thriller. we used the razor tool in order to cut the sound to the right length and then we made the volume of each of the clips to suitable levels,  so that we got the desired effects that we aimed for.



Foley Sounds

Foley sounds are the act of recreating everyday sounds in a controlled environment, as to create more specific sounds that cater to the producers needs. For our thriller we decided it would be a great idea to make some Foley sounds in order to create some of the sounds that either weren’t picked up by the camera during our first shoot or that we forgot.

This shows us running a pencil down the side of a CD case, this makes a strange clicking sound which when layered with, other things such as a creak from the same CD case, we layered these two together along with a few other sounds in order to create a really realistic sounding gate sound.

foley sounds4

We also found that we needed more sounds of things like branches snapping or being brushed, these sounds can be used in many different ways, as they can be used as sound to be layered as to create new sounds, and they can just be used on their own as they fit our setting well.

foley sounds3

These two pictures both show us getting the sounds for our footsteps, for this we first used a bag and pressed down on it to simulate a footstep we soon realised that this sounded like leaves, so we then decided to add a sound which sounded more like earth/ mud, which created a nice sounding footstep.

foley sounds2 foley sounds

Sound Moodtrack


These are some examples of some of the sounds that we used in our thriller, most of these clips will be blended together with other sound effects in order to create the finished product.

This sound is going be used in the background music as a way of either building up to a plot point, filling in the parts between main plot points or fading out certain sounds. This sound gives of a very eerie feeling that may make it seem as if the audience is being watched/ followed.

This is another sound that will be used in our background music, but this will be a lot more apparent as we are going to use this during the final death scene as to make the viewer feel uneasy when watching it and also to try and give them a sense of fear when watching.

This is a Foley sound for our footsteps, we did this as to bring some life to a couple of the shots as it seems slightly strange when you couldn’t hear people walking. To make this sound we recorded us walking on a plastic bag but we might layer on another sound or two as to refine the sound that we’re looking for.


Draft 3

This is our final draft which includes both titles and sound, and in my opinion I think that it’s great, the titles look great and fit in well and the sound fits well in most places, but we will still work to try and fit in some small tweaks to try and make it as good as possible.


Synaesthesia is when sounds trigger certain feelings or emotions in the audience, this is used in many different ways, but it is most popularly used in the film industry, as to help transfer the feelings that the producer wants the audience to feel.

A great example is this video of Dark suspenseful music, we listened to the video without watching the video and write down what we thought the music made us feel.

These are what we thought of when we listened to the video, and as you can see it clearly conveyed very eeire and creepy sounds to the audience.




Draft 2 Feedback

To get feedback on our titles draft we used Vine to create small looping clips of what people thought about our thriller and what we could improve on.

Most of the feedback we received was really positive saying that the colour, font and semic code were all great, but we did get a comment saying that we might want to think about the positioning of our titles, and because of this we will be sure to check on this and make it right.

Draft two – Titles

This is our second draft which now shows off our titles, these were the product of our first time on AfterEffects and because it was our first time I think that their great, they really give off the detective thriller feel we were looking for.