1st Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment

Here is the first draft of my magazine front page.

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Self Assessment:

With the use of the camera I took a photo at his eye line, while he is menacingly staring directly at the camera, as the director I felt that the look would suit the genre as the majority of hip hop artists are known as being gang members and intimidating people. While using photoshop I was able to cut out my image using the lasso tool which allowed me to select and delete anything I didn’t want in my image, also using the magnetic lasso tool helped me cut around hair and the chain. Also by using the spot healing brush tool I was able to patch any mistakes that I made while cutting out my image.

For my photo I decided to take a mid close up photo, this allowed me to make my model big and the main subject of the page as they are the focus point of the magazine. I decided the props to use for the photo, I wanted to display the genre to make it easy for the audience to recognise, using chains the photo was taken to replicate other hip hop artists. And for the costume we decided that the model should be wearing black clothing as it is a common color worn by many hip hop artists.

I will add headlines on the front cover and will integrate them with the main photo, displaying to the audience who will be in the magazine and will provide them with content about my model which may interest them.

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