1st Draft of Content Page

Self assessment:

use of camera and photoshop to create meaning  

photo taken on the eye line, looking directly at the camera to engage with the audience, this gesture makes the photo intimidating.


for my contents page I decided to use a mid shot photo of my model, I analysed many popular hip hop magazines and I recognised that the majority used a mid shot for their contents pages. the reason for this is so that the image of my model on the page is big and is the main subject.


the use of the retro music player was used to fit the genre, also I decided to use the chains as it displays the genre of hip hop and that is helpful for the audience to identify that it is Hip Hop.

words / aida

The words I chose were used specifically to attract a certain audience that would be interested in my magazine. then my headlines were there to fill my audiences desires and to give them the content that they want to see.

desktop publishing

I will integrate my photos with my image by linking the image with one of my headlines which tells the audience where to go to read about the model.

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