Music Video Draft 2 (Includes shoot 2 footage )

Further improvements…

  • Make some of the clips shorter to keep attention and interest.
  • Add colour filters.
  • Crop out on some of the videos, to avoid background distractions.


I looked at another students music video and used the criteria to mark there work, overall it was a good video with numerous locations, angles and transitions. Here are some improvements that could’ve been made: more filters and some narrative could’ve been added to create more of a story. This video is similar to ours in the sense that it has a large percent of performance, the genre seems similar as the star is wearing a luxurious dress with jewellry, this video gives us an idea of what we need to work on such as shortening some of our clips.


Teacher Feedback – screencastify

Targets for development…

  • Move central shots off centre sometimes.
  • either make her paler or her hair redder, to stand out from background.
  • watch out for coming out of character.
  • Strobe effect for papparazi.
  • More close ups and POV’s.
  • Moving through the frame more.
  • Use papparazi scene with under my skin lyrics.
  • Cut back on long shots.
  • Play with colour saturation and exposure in studios with blue paint.


Specsavers feedback

Members in the creative sector within Specsavers came into out class to look at each of our music videos to see what worked well and wjhat needs improving, as well as how to improve it. the feedback we were given to do include…

  • Adjust the saturation of colour, by adding filters.
  • Zoom in on different shots to cut out any background distractions.
  • Select colours to change to allow it all to link in.
  • stablise the camera to avoid any shaking within the videos.

Production Meeting for Shoot 2 (Narrative)

We created a production meeting shoot, to organise what the mdoels would wear in our muric video, the props we would need and who’s responsible for bringing what. This also enabled us to go over our aims of the music video and encouraging us to organise a date and time can all attend as well as covering all of the other aspects we will aim to acheive, such as MES EN SCENE and representation of the star.

Video Narrative Story/Shot sheets

We created a a page for each shoot of our narrative storyboard, this allowed us to create coverage and understanding of what will be in our music video for this narrative, this also alllowed us to go over the shots we will use to convey the disruption and conflict as well as the resolution and equilibrium at the end. From this we were able to think about a variety of shots we can use, as well as the framing and composition included within our music video. We have created more of a structure to our narrative and a chronology of events. Whilst doing this task it allowed us to think of how we will postion the camera to convey certain themes and issues as well as how we will portray the characters throughout and be able to express their juxtaposing personalities.



Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut



Overall I am happy with this rough lip sync video we created, the MES EN SCENE fits in well with our theme and I think taht the model suits the song and the aesthetic well. We used difgferent angles such as high and low vantage, as well as different shots including close up, long shot and mid shot.

Targets for improvement

  • For our real music video we need to make sure that the singers voice is matched with the lip syncing model, to enable it to look more real.
  • We need to make sure that its edited to the beat.
  • More transitions will also need to be included.
  • DIfferent filters or the lighting could be adjustes such as increasing the saturation to convey different moods of the star.

Narrative Development

We created a narrative plan to figure out the stucture of our narrative, we also wrote about our characters and their binary oppositions as well as the themes, conflict, resolution, equilibrium of our story. From this we were also able to create a narrative structure, discuss the order of the video so either episodic, linear, anachronic, we also spoke about disruptions and then resolurions throughout.


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