Social media page

Teacher feedback for improvements

  • Get back to fans on teaser and questions.
  • Do promotions, i.e. clothes.
  • Let fans get to know stars friends.
  • Post album and the music video.
  • Include some cross media convergence, for example have star featured on the tv or radio and making personal appearances too.
  • Include animations, needs movement such as a gif.
  • Include audio, tell fans where album is from and where they can listen to the music.
  • Inlcude gigs and tour dates.
  • Use syngery, e.g. her dress.

Targets for improvement

  • Include synergy and cross media convergence.
  • Release album and music video and information regarding the album.
  • Respond to fans.
  • Add gifs.
  • talk about tour and gig dates.

Social media page draft 1

After making our draft 1 media page we looked at different apects of the conventions nescessary to complete our social media page, we wrote drown the examples for each criteria, for example we wrote what we do for design coherence, content, synery etc. If there were ones we have no examples for we looked at those and started to think about how we will include these concepts into our social media page.

We filled in a checklist to make it visible what we have and haven’t done within our social media page for our star, after doing this task we set some targets to acheive, the targets were…

  • Post about charities and raise awareness of certain topics.
  • Create merchandise and promote physical copies of our music.
  • Link our star with other brand and products, for example as a sponsor etc. 
  • Show where the star’s music can be brought.
  • Creating converged links with other media and stars.



Timeline and marketing ideas

We made goals through a timeline to set for our draft 1 media page, after looking at Sandbox for inspiration. We wanted to make our star viral therefore we had to think of different well known techniques to market her well, for our social media page we plan to use guerilla, AIDA, promotions, a amrketing campaign. As well as create entertainment for our audience and from this craete social interation, personal identity and teasrers./



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