Documentary Modes- (observational)

In an observational mode documentary, the filmmaker watches what happens in the world around them without interfering. The filmmaker stays out of the way while real-life events and people unfold. Cinéma Vérité, which literally translates to “truthful cinema,” is another name for this kind of film-making

Staff (2023). Documentary: What is the Observational Mode? – So The Theory Goes. [online] Available at:

In my embedded slideshows you see analysis of Advanced Cinematography in film. Below that is 3 screenshots taken from the observational documentary Baraka. These are all examples of Depth of Field. Number 1 and 2 are deep depths of field as they do not tell us much about the scenario whereas image number 3 is an example of shallow Depth of Field blended with Deep Depth of Field which is very clever of the Director. Lots of different framing techniques such as rule of thirds and frames within frames.


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