Man On Wire Present/Distant effect

Distant Effect for Narrative-  Conventions that allow the audience to give them a sense of control, oversight and objectivity.

  • lots of voice overs which links to it being distant- omniscient narration
  • there is the start of the interview which gives us the sense of distance and context- This is an L-CUT
  • Use of archival footage in a split screen-  PARALLEL NARRATIVE- his childhood vs the building of the Twin Towers
  • Aerial shot of twin towers construction site- God’s eye view
  • reenactments of scenes
  • black and white- heavy vignette bleak lighting- (chiaroscuro lighting which is expressionistic)

Present effect for Narrative- Conventions of film language that enhance the audience’s sense of ‘being there’. A subjective experience.

  • In the dentist scene we see close up and reaction shots
  • With the shot of him and his wife we feel like we are with them and it cuts between the different prospectives (eye line match)
  • Music- adds emotion and makes the audience feel present


  • the interview with his wife is both material into narrative in which we also witness both distant and present (n.d.). Documentary Present / Distant – Film Studies (2023-25). [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2023].

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