Return Of The Jedi Diagetic Sound Analysis

Below is my diegetic sound analysis of the final confrontation in ‘Return of The Jedi(1983)Marquand’

-This is important as it helps us understand the different Foley sound features and introduces us to the space genre.

Context – What’s Happening?

This is the final confrontation between the hero (Luke) and the villains (Darth Vader & The Emperor). The two villains are intent on winning a victory for the evil ‘Dark Side’ by showing Luke that to triumph he has to use his rage & hate. 

Overall Tone / Mood

The overall tone and mood is sinister and powerful, there is lot of anger and frustration & corruption






Star Wars & Genre & Narrative

It is the combination across 3 films and is the biggest challenge for Luke as he is trying to avoid temptation of turning to the dark

SPACE OPERA- a sub-genre of sci-fi which focuses on melodrama and battles etc. 

There is a simplistic fairy-tale narrative here

Topics / Focus Key examples from the text What meaning (impact) is made? Significance for Genre or Narrative
Diagetic Dialogue / Vocal

  • Vocabulary
  • Delivery
  • Accent
  • Tone
“You underestimate the power of the dark side.”

“I will not fight you.”

“I will never turn to the dark side”

“I feel the good in you father”

“Let the hate flow through you.”

Palpetines voice 

It creates suspense, emphasizes the dark sides evil

Shows Luke’s morality

Shows that the dark side are unsuccessful

There is a politeness from Luke emphasizing his morality 

Demonstrates the manipulation of the emperor 

It is like a snake in the grass- his delivery is monstrous 

It is simplistic, it has the morality of a fairy tale 
Ambient Sound

  • Foley Sound Effects
  • Quality of the sound (editing)
-Vader’s breathing 




-The light-sabers touching back and forth (with scraping together) Luke’s grunts with his light-saber when he snaps NOOO Zzz with the light-sabers (electronic hiss) 

Darth Vader’s footsteps





Helps create a presence when he is near or there. It creates suspense. When he is not fighting it’s metallic  


The light-sabers make the fight seem more powerful, it demonstrates Luke and Vader’s anger. They are static. – It emphasizes the fact Luke is in danger

Shows his frustration towards his father, makes the audience see the darker side toward Luke, he is tempted.

Vader’s footsteps demonstrate the approaching threat 



The light-sabers demonstrate a sense of chivalry which is part of the genre of space opera. 

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