The documentary ‘problem.’

This documentary was watched in lesson and we discovered the concept of objective and subjective truths within a documentary. We spoke about the fallacy of documentaries and also the manipulation used within shot types and also with music and voiceovers. All documentaries are also biased and cannot be objected and leave an impact on the documentaries audience. A documentary’s aim is also to manipulate and emphasise issues.

“John Grierson’s definition of documentary filmmaking – ‘the creative treatment of actuality’ – summarises its overarching fallacy. The fallacy being that documentaries often purport to reveal truths, however by the very act of documenting actuality, the director inadvertently alters its ‘truth’.”

In the documentary Hanging on, we see all sorts of emotion and the extended metaphor of the people within the documentary “hanging on.”  We experience different emotions and also with the use of archival footage and photos we empahise with the people, we are introduced to a sense of suspense and sadness for these individuals. (n.d.). – ‘the creative treatment of actuality’ |. [online] Available at:


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