Mise en scene in the Captains Feast

Mise-en-scene is the arrangement of visual elements in a scene from a film, encompassing lighting and set design, to actors placement, to convey meaning and atmosphere.

In this scene Captain Vidal is the centre of attention. Sat at the end of the long dinner table it is obvious he holds the position of power and control. Attributes such as his hairstyle, a slicked-back fascist look, and his neat, eloquent uniform can also infer his importance.

Sat with the fire behind him creating a hellish aura we can see Del Toro has made a conspicuous reference to the Pale Man scene. Both have a fire lit behind, a glass of wine, the table full of food and even down to the same cold, heartless demeanour and look.

Mise en scene is a very important thing to look at when studying film as it sets the atmosphere and genre of the film.

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