Bel’s Film write up 17.6.24

For our day of filming we predominantly focused on gathering a range of establishing shots for our documentary. In order to acquire these frames, we began our day around Cliff Street in Town, filming the stairs and houses from a variety of angles and with a diverse array of compositions. To film these shots we primarily used the tripod with a phone mount attached in order to achieve steady footage. However, for a couple of shots, we instead chose to use the shoulder mount fitted with a phone in order to create a push in tracking shot following the leading line of the stair railing. This was one of my favourite shots as I was very proud of how steady I kept my hands with the shoulder mount in order to capture this properly.  As a cinematographer I found this a valuable experience as it helped me push myself out of my comfort zone, and also helped me learn all the different ways to use a tripod and establish different angles and practice pedding, to help get high angles.






After we all had completed this we then moved on towards Tower hill down the bordage. At Tower Hill we took static shots of the steps and the plaque located there stating information regarding one of the burnings that took place within Guernsey. For the shot of the steps, we took one at a canted angle as well as a regular one, unfortunately though as the cinematographer I faced quite big difficulties trying to get the shot as the weather caused huge glare and it was hard to get the shot to the correct brightness, to help this we then dulled the brightness on my phone however some of these shots will have to be repeated in order to make sure our edit is of the best quality. Finally, we concluded the practical filming at the Priaulx Library, mostly taking footage of the exterior building before going inside to scout out areas for our interview, taking place on Thursday – 20/06/2024. 

Due to unfortunate circumstances however, getting our establishing shots of the Priaulx was extremely difficult. This is because as the cinematographer I had to make sure I framed our shot up correctly in order to cut out the scaffolding that was around Priaulx, along with that we had difficulty with the setting around the Priaulx as a lot of scenery was getting in the way, therefore meaning that some shots had to be repeated or cut by our editor. One shot in particular that we need to re-shoot is the footage of the stained glass window. This is due to the lighting being too bright and because of the angle of the light, created a huge glare in the video, therefore meaning that on Thursday I will try my very best to recreate these in better quality. 



Although we were unable to do the interview on Friday 14th due to short staff, our visit to the library was very beneficial as it allowed us to get used to the setting and also helped us pick up lots of important information and context for our documentary. One of the staff members in particular helped us find a whole list of information on witch burnings, which we then discussed would be beneficial for the end credits of our documentary. 

Documentary Modes- (observational)

In an observational mode documentary, the filmmaker watches what happens in the world around them without interfering. The filmmaker stays out of the way while real-life events and people unfold. Cinéma Vérité, which literally translates to “truthful cinema,” is another name for this kind of film-making

Staff (2023). Documentary: What is the Observational Mode? – So The Theory Goes. [online] Available at:

In my embedded slideshows you see analysis of Advanced Cinematography in film. Below that is 3 screenshots taken from the observational documentary Baraka. These are all examples of Depth of Field. Number 1 and 2 are deep depths of field as they do not tell us much about the scenario whereas image number 3 is an example of shallow Depth of Field blended with Deep Depth of Field which is very clever of the Director. Lots of different framing techniques such as rule of thirds and frames within frames.