“Production Report- Observational Documentary”

In an observational mode documentary, the filmmaker watches what happens in the world around them without interfering. The filmmaker stays out of the way while real-life events and people unfold. Cinema Verité, which literally translates to “truthful cinema,” is another name for this kind of film-making

Staff (2023). Documentary: What is the Observational Mode? – So The Theory Goes. [online] Available at: https://www.sothetheorygoes.com/documentary-observational-mode/#:~:text=In%20an%20observational%20mode%20documentary.

People may use observational documentaries in order to shoot a project in  which uses mise-en-scene (setting), framing and composition to communicate a sense of place. Some observational documentaries e.g.. Baraka help the audience understand the place and also perhaps helps the audience feel more emotion and empathy due to it being silenced. In Baraka this is demonstrated due to the fact that it conveys themes such as exploitation of workers, religion and also faith.

-My Observational Documentary

3 shots in which I am proud of are these ones

I am proud of the first shot as it demonstrates the realities of sixth form and it is also an over the shoulder shot, meaning that it creates a sense of voyeurism.

I am proud of the second shot as it is a wide shot which also ends up panning a little, this also shows the rush of getting back from lessons which was my aim for this specific part of the documentary.

My very last example which is of the pipes was meant to create a sense of abandonment. My aim for the beginning of the documentary was to make the school look abandoned and also run down, which I think I did very cleverly with the black fade transition to the inside of the sixth form centre.